Patterns and Anti-Patterns

(… …and Code Smells)

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Active Record Pattern

In RubyTapas:

Adapter Pattern

In RubyTapas:

Bridge Pattern (a.k.a. Handle)

In RubyTapas:

Builder Pattern

In RubyTapas:

Chain-of-Responsibility Pattern

Circuit Breaker Pattern

In RubyTapas:

Command Pattern

Decorator Pattern

In RubyTapas:

Delegation Pattern

In RubyTapas:

Factory Pattern

Gateway Pattern

Handle Pattern (see Bridge Pattern)

In RubyTapas:

Model–View–Controller Pattern (MVC)

In RubyTapas:

Null Object Design Pattern - a.k.a. Active Nothing - a.k.a. Stub

Presentation Pattern (Presentation Model)

In RubyTapas:

Process Object Pattern

Proxy Pattern

Rails Presenter Pattern

In RubyTapas:

Repository Pattern

In RubyTapas:

Singleton Pattern

Special Case pattern

Template Method Pattern

In RubyTapas:

Visitor Pattern

In RubyTapas:



Lost Input

In RubyTapas:

Spooky Action at a Distance

In RubyTapas:

Indiscriminate Rescue

In RubyTapas:

Code Smells

Double Used in Place of a Value Object

In RubyTapas:

Unnecessary Mocking and Stubbing

In RubyTapas:

Feature Envy

In RubyTapas:

Parallel Hierarchy

In RubyTapas:

Too Hard

In RubyTapas: